Attract the partner that will truly be the one you know you have been seeking. No more accepting less than you are worth. It is time to level up and value yourself.

It’s true, we attract what we are, not what we want. Yet, by undoing the conditioning from the past we can free ourselves and experience the relationships we truly want.

In our revolutionary trainings we have helped thousands of singles let go of unresourceful learnings and replace them with deep transformations that invariably lead to meeting the one that will fulfil them and provide further growth opportunities.

A partner who is on the same page, has a dream and wants them to share in it and build it. Will grow with them and expand the depth of intimacy available to unparalleled levels.

A partner like you who is prepared to "Do the Work" and leave behind any block to love or your relationship being exactly what you need and want.

You will learn that you attract "what we are" not "what we want." In absorbing this learning you will change your own patterns and bring what you actually want into your life.

If you are tired of attracting the wrong person into your intimate relationships. The CODE event can be the turning event for you.

Building your amazing relationship is possible.

Your journey begins here. Welcome!


"I did not even know I had these patterns of behaviour that attracted the wrong man before I came."


"I was skeptical but thought "lets just do it." It was unbelievable. So impeccably done."


"My reactions are going to be different the responses are going to be different and Im loving being in the feminine..


"II had to find myself and let people in, which I have been carrying for 58 years."

Singles Testimonials

"I have been doing personal development and transformational work for 20 years and this gave me, myself back."


"It's pretty poor to have everything in the world without sharing it with someone and sharing it."

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The Relationship Code to your city?

Interested in partnering with us to bring

The Relationship Code to your city?

Become part of a global movement to restore and renew

love in relationships


Listen to Relationship Code Podcast on Marriage, Relationships and Love.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.

The Relationship Code

Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, San Diego USA

We proudly support these organisations against child slavery.


Listen to Relationship Warriors Podcast on Marriage, Money and Mindset.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.