Brett & Marie Jones

Founders of The Relationship Code

We are Brett and Marie Jones. For more than 30 years, we have empowered thousands, to master it all by leaving behind the ordinary life.

In using our Relationship Code system, Men and Women have reclaimed their lives and Kingdoms. We have learnt from our own personal experience, it's not enough to improve communication only. To have an amazing and exciting life together you must work on all areas. That’s why we created the Kingdom concept.

So we have created online and live events to provide real power in your personal life, business and wealth. We will show you how to create passion and intimacy in your marriage or relationship, find real inner peace to deal with the challenges of life.

As a married couple of 29 years, we have experienced the challenges of marriage. ​ I(Brett) created a $400m company and then lost it in my mid 30's. I then rebuilt my life and money, mastered myself, my finances and my marriage. Then I met Marie and we not only embarked on a professional and personal development journey together but we sailed around the globe for 4 years and found a deeper truth.

We have spent years studying the best methods to assist you and Marie holds a Degree in Family and Community studies and a Masters in Sexology, we also consult the best experts around the world for the most innovative methods to restore your love and protect and grow your family.

Since travelling we experienced profound shifts and have since spent many years with wise sages and studying the mystic texts. The Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the Course in Miracles, the Koran, the Tao Te Ching, Vedic Texts, Pail Canon and many others. to be able to guide others to find the inner peace we all crave. A peace we need before we can really love another.

​We are here to assist you lift your marriage and relationship to one you just love being in and to help you find the money and wealth to really enjoy it. Our ability to find the correct long term investment is proven, so I’d love to help you secure your and your family's future.

Together, Marie and I have created our goal and mission to restore 1Million marriages through our tools and programs and bring back the passion and growth that is found within powerful partnerships for not just you, your children but the world.

We have partnered with many skilled people around the world and their profiles are on this site in various cities, so please check which city suits you the best to attend the relationship and life changing event THE RELATIONSHIP CODE.

Love and Blessings.

Brett and Marie Jones

Brett & Marie Videos

Brett & Marie Videos

Brett & Marie Videos

Next Upcoming Events



The Code

A 3-Day Transformational and Life altering Event

Our unique Code event delivers the skills you need to turn your relationship around even if your partner appears not interested. 

Next Upcoming Events

Friday 13th March 2020
Perth - Australia
Friday 24th April 2020 Los Angeles
Friday 1st May 2020 Orlando

The Code

A 3-Day Transformational and Life altering Event

Our unique Code event delivers the skills you need to turn your relationship around even if your partner appears not interested. 


Listen to Relationship Code Podcast on Marriage, Relationships and Love.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.

The Relationship Code

Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, San Diego USA

We proudly support these organisations against child slavery.


Listen to Relationship Code Podcast on Marriage, Money and Mindset.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.