Rob is a devoted husband and father of three and proud step-dad of one with a passion for helping people lead their best life. He grew up in a farming family but forged a successful career in finance as a currency trader and Merchant banker for Australia’s biggest financial institution, advising some of the world’s largest companies in debt structuring and derivative hedging strategy in addition to being a Premiership winning footballer in the WAFL. Rob has experience as a coach in the sporting and personal development space for over 15 years and is passionate about helping people lead their best lives.
Angie is a loving wife and mother of two and the step-mum of two teenage boys so it's hard to catch her standing still! Following in her family tradition of medical practice, Angie is a Registered Nurse whose medical journey started in Geriatrics, but the majority of her career was spent in Perioperative Nursing where her experience led her to specialising in assisting Orthopedic surgeons using prosthetic joints. After having her daughter she returned to practice in cosmetics where she now works one on one with patients in a successful aesthetics business. Her involvement in the Relationship Code team has been so influential in her life that she is now dedicating herself to helping others restore their relationships and build the lives of their dreams.
"We have been involved in doing this work for over 10 years now and have seen the profound effect it can have on people and their relationships. We know how hard it can be running a family, work/businesses and maintaining other relationships with family and friends whilst trying to keep a relationship with one another strong and vibrant and for ourselves, we just were just going around and around in circles with plenty of arguments trying to get things right before deciding to get some help and learn some new skills.
By implementing the simple strategies learned through the Relationship Code our life and relationship has improved immeasurably and we are proud to bring the Code to Melbourne where we would love to help you and your family build better relationships and happier lives."
Friday 8.15am 14th March to
5pm 16th March 2025
Our unique Code event is the first step to transforming your relationship and delivers the new Relationship Code of communication you need to improve your relationship, even if your partner appears not interested.
For singles and couples.
First step is to recognise your existing relationship code is not working for you. In fact its pushing you further apart.
Learn the new relationship communication CODE designed for the new millennium and for couples now. Learn to communicate and improve your love, intimacy and relationship.
Attend live, 33 hours over three days packed with acquiring new communication skills, understanding the differences between men and women and what you need from your relationships, letting go of old baggage that is holding you back from love, new ways to make your treasury strong and so much more.
The Relationship Code to your city?