Whats it like years after completing the RELATIONSHIP CODE event?
Neil and Jo
As business owners and a couple about to have their first baby whats it like three years on?
Jo feels like she can rest in her feminine and Neil that he can turn an argument into a conversation in less than five minutes
Marc and Michelle
Marc and Michelle live in San Diego and after six years are now in the best place they have ever been with a new house, business up 8 fold and three beautiful kids. Life is always improving and their relationship is solid and the love, passion and excitement is back.
Tamar and Peter
Tamar came to the Code event as a single lady seeking to find her ideal man 5 years ago. After work with us she and Peter joined the Code event to become the best they could be as a couple. Together they are living an amazing life travelling and exploring the world.
Murray and Sharona
Murray came to his first code event over 4 years ago and was single.He has consistently worked on himself to make him a better man that lead him to attract a very different person than those he had attracted before and couldn't maintain a relationship with. Sharona and Murray continue to work on their relationship.
Dion and Madeline
Dion and Madeline live in Orlando Florida and 5 years ago attended the relationship Coce event wondering if their marriage would survive. Five years later he has stepped up, is present, a leader of the family and she feels heard understood and supported. Financially, the best they have ever been, because two working as one is far more powerful.
Jen and Troy
Jen came to the first event by herself six years ago as she was unsettled and knew things had to change. Troy soon followed seeing the difference in his wife. They have completely changed themselves for the better and their marriage which is now stronger and full of more love for each other and their two amazing boys.