The CODE is a 3 day immersive & transformative event for couples and singles who want to level up their Money, Marriage and Mindset skills to bring themselves to their highest version and learn the way to have it all across all areas of their Kingdom. It is a stimulating, engaging and high involvement event in which we will restore your mojo, release your old conditioned patterns, level up your marriage, your mindset, your financial success and your connection to your family as well as your children - the core inspiration behind our work.  

Learn and implement the unique Relationship Communication CODE that has saved thousands of marriages and partnerships that have found themselves at the verge of separation or divorce. The CODE is designed for committed couples as well as singles in partnerships or looking to enter into one. It is recommended to attend the CODE with your partner to achieve the best outcome.  











  • Marriage: Take your Marriage to fully connected by using the Communication CODE
  • ​Relationship: If you are single, stop repeating the same "selection" problem and attract the right partner.
  • ​Business: Move through the blocks that stop you so you can secure your income for your kingdom.
  • ​Investment: Understand the mindset to create wealth from your investments not your income.
  • ​Personal: Claim a deep and grounded personal transformation.
  • ​Family: Lead and influence your family from an aligned place within your partnership.
  • ​Health: Optimize and gain maximum power from your body to uphold your Kingdom.


Day 1:

  • Change and recondition the beliefs and patterns that you have adopted through events, role models and culture to free you to really allow love in.
  • ​Leave behind the conditioning from negative events that cause you to feel not fulfilled now and make being open to love difficult.
  • ​Understand what it takes to have a beautiful relationship in todays world.
  • ​Resolve past trauma that is restricting your life at a sub conscious level.
  • ​Let go of grieving past loss that is stealing your zest for life and a new relationship.
  • Understand the power behind building a Kingdom vs. an Empire and your role as true King and Queen of your creation. 
  • ​Learn why you react the way you do and begin to change these patterns of behaviour to those that bring love, connection and intimacy.
  • ​Learn the structure of a well lived life called the KINGDOM where we can have it all across all Territories.

Day 2:

  • Learn the differences between men and women, what we share, where and why we are different and how best to leverage this for alignment.
  • ​Learn new ways of communicating that bring you closer to your partner.
  • ​Learn how to argue and disagree in a healthy way that keeps your love and connection as your main focus.
  • Discover how to powerfully re-establish communication in your relationships during any breakdown as we learn one of our most powerful tools The Communication CODE, how it works and why state is so important in delivering the message. 

For Women: learn how to be in your authentic feminine state while feeling safe. How to actually communicate with the opposite sex and be heard and understood.

For Men: how to get into authentic masculine state and how to turn arguments into conversations in five minutes.

  • Learn the differences between men and women, what we share, where and why we are different and how best to be on the same page together.
  • Discover how to powerfully re-establish communication in your relationships during any breakdown as we learn one of our most powerful tools The Communication CODE, how it works and why state is so important in delivering the message. 

Day 3:

  • Deep, focused and highly individualized transformational work to change old patterns and conditioning affecting your current partnership or to attract someone different into your life if you are single.
  • ​Reconnect with your partner and leave past hurts and disagreements behind.
  • Learn to cement understanding, recommitment and alignment with your partner by being on the same page.
  • ​Leave behind old ways of being and past events that stop you from finding love and inner peace now.
  • ​Find true inner peace instead of self doubt, not loving yourself, anxiety, depression and anything that takes away from who you really are.
  • ​Plus so many other things and so much more it’s virtually impossible to be able list them all. It’s more important to realize it’s not about content it’s about transformation and you changing, so you attract a different result in your life.
Learn and implement the unique Relationship Communication Code that has saved thousands of marriages, while learning to rise in investments and business to create a well founded foundation for your Kingdom.


SINGLE    $US or $A $1795.00

COUPLE  $US or $A $3195.00

Australian Event Registration

U.S.A. Event Registration


  • 3-Day The CODE Event
  • ​Lead by Brett and Marie Jones/ with our PARTNERS in Australia and the USA.
  • ​Our team of 27 experienced facilitators to guide and mentor you.
  • ​Follow up coaching & implementation call.
  • ​Access to our Online Armoury support tools.
  • ​40 page workbook.
  • ​Full on-boarding video series to prep you for the event and a new way of living.
  • ​Lasting results and improvements

Marc & Michelle | LOS ANGELES

"I have been doing personal development and transformational work for 20 years and this gave me, myself back as a KING."

Dion & Madeline | ORLANDO

"It was a major effort to fly from Florida but so worth it.

I feel like a big stone has been lifted from my back as a woman."

Sammantha & Troy | PERTH

"Having the structure and all those areas in the course to investigate ourselves in, was amazing"

Interested in partnering with us to bring

The Relationship Code to your city?

Interested in partnering with us to bring

The Relationship Code to your city?

Become part of a global movement to restore and renew

love in relationships


Listen to Relationship Code Podcast on Marriage, Relationships and Love.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.

The Relationship Code

Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, San Diego USA

We proudly support these organisations against child slavery.


Listen to Relationship Warriors Podcast on Marriage, Money and Mindset.

Implementation is key for success in anything in life. Join us as we explore and discuss all the areas of the Kingdom from Love, Intimacy, Finances, Partnership, Health and Success.